Best time for your Yoga routine
Yoga Teodora Morar Yoga Teodora Morar

Best time for your Yoga routine

What is the best time for your Yoga practice? Is it worth building your Yoga practice routine around the time you are having most of your energy? How effective is having a Yoga routine or schedule?

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Yin Yoga and TCM: Winter season- main element, organs and emotions
Yoga, Anatomy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Teodora Morar Yoga, Anatomy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Teodora Morar

Yin Yoga and TCM: Winter season- main element, organs and emotions

Stagnation, laziness or a general heaviness in moving and thinking are downsides of this winter period. The death of nature around us as well as lack of stimulation and excitement, in comparison to the rest of the seasons, make one prone to feelings of loneliness, depression or isolation. However, it doesn’t have to be like this, if we can mindfully switch this perspective into allowing more space and dedication for more inner work, connecting to ourselves more and finding the necessary time to do the healing.

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Yin Yoga and TCM: Autumn season- meridians and postures
Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine Teodora Morar Yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine Teodora Morar

Yin Yoga and TCM: Autumn season- meridians and postures

Autumn season represents the transition between Yang and Yin, from the expansive and solar energy of summer, to the more introspective and slow one of autumn and later winter. Summer energy might be the best season to juggle many things at the same time, but Autumn is definitely the time to harvest the fruits of our actions and also narrow our focus to one thing at a time, finding a balance between doing and resting.

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About Integrity
Yoga Teodora Morar Yoga Teodora Morar

About Integrity

Integrity is essential to all practitioners of Yoga because it creates a foundation of deep honesty upon which a practice can best be built. Moreover, integrity is fully expressed in the relation with oneself, in the way we honor commitments to ourselves, take time to be considerate of our actions, and represent our practice also outside the Yoga class.

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Tension vs Compression in YOGA
Yoga Teodora Morar Yoga Teodora Morar

Tension vs Compression in YOGA

Yoga is teaching us to practice ahimsa (non-violence) in our practice, to meet tension with kindness, respect the capacity of our bones, and help find our own intention (optimal health) and personal alignment by shaping the poses into our bodies and not the other way round.

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